Kottakkal , Malappuram

dr. shaji’s MRI Scan center,
Trichur Road, Kottakkal
Malappuram (DT)

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About Branch

Kottakkal is a place which has gathered importance by facilitating Kerala’s own Ayurvedic Treatment in its purest form. Dr. Shaji created a revolution by spreading his vision to Kerala’s prominent Ayurvedic treatment city.

dr. shaji’s Kottakkal MRI Scanning Centre, the perfect diagnostic centre in South India, situated near Ayurveda Medical College, Kottakkal, Malppuram, with most modern diagnostic imaging system, is gathering credibility through the service of International standards. Kerala’s first GE Profile High Definition MRI has also been introduced in Kottakkal Branch of dr. shaji’s MRI Centre.

Facilities Available

MRI Scan (1.5 T, 18 Channel)

Locatin Map